Plan For New South Shields Self-Storage Site With Nearly 100 Units Approved

Back in October 2021, South Tyneside Council’s planning department received an application for a vacant industrial site off Wilson Street.

This included proposals to change the use of the land to create an independent planning unit with nearly 100 self-storage containers.

According to planning documents, the containers would have a maximum height of 2.4 meters with a site office also planned to serve the development. Following consultation, council planners deemed the scheme acceptable and approved it on December 2nd.

A planning report reads: “In terms of visual amenity, the area hosts a variety of building styles, including existing industrial units to the east and southwest.

There is a public footpath on the northern boundary of the site which would offer views of the site. “However this would be in the context of the other industrial units and would also be somewhat obscured by the palisade fence which would be retained. “The proposals are not considered to be out of keeping with the visual amenity of the area.”

Although the application fell below council parking standards, officers said the site’s location near public transport would ensure the site is easily accessible.

They added the site would be operated on an “appointment only basis” which would “limit the number of cars on-site at any one time”. Trustees of the Parsons SSAS Pension Scheme are listed as the applicant for the scheme. Following planning approval, the development must start within three years.


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